Daily Detox


"When the worlds of poverty and wealth collide, the resulting powerful fusion can change the world. But that collision rarely happens. I could feel it happening inside of me. One of my punk-rock friends asked me why so many rich people like talking to me, and I said because I'm nice to them. He asked why I was nice to them. I said because I can see myself in them. That gives me a little patience and grace. I long for the Calcutta slums to meet the Chicago suburbs, for lepers to meet landowners and for each to see God's image in the other. It's no wonder that the footsteps of Jesus lead from the tax collectors to the lepers. I truly believe that when the poor meet the rich, riches will have no meaning. And when the rich meet the poor, we will see poverty come to an end."--Shane Claiborne, The Irresistible Revolution

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4 Responses to “Daily Detox”

  1. # Blogger none

    I've seen rich people behave as uncouth animals and the poor act with grace and humility.

    You can see a prime example of what that passage is referring to if you visit any of the colorado resort towns during the summer.  

  2. # Blogger dearabby

    This vision makes me weep. What a beautiful Utopia to work toward. Good post... thanks!  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Dude! Now you're talking! Bring some Claiborne more often!!!

    Did you see the pic on my blog recently of him and me @ Willow? I got to meet him and talk for a while with him. He's a stud.  

  4. # Blogger Terrace Crawford

    @ Hammer - same here.
    @ Abby - thanks. I have great respect for Caliborne.
    @ Adam - I did not see the pic. Man, thats sweet. I'll head over and check it out. I got to hear him speak in Atlanta in November but didn't get to meet him, unfortunately. I'll be in Philly this summer. I think it would be sweet to catch up with him.  

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