Saddleback Civil Forum

If you didn't get to catch Saddleback's Civil Forum this weekend, courtesy of CNN or Fox News, you sure missed a great broadcast. Rick Warren got Barack Obama and John McCain together on the same stage for the first time since running for president. Warren sat down with each candidate, separately, for one hour and asked them questions ranging from leadership to their personal faith in Jesus Christ.

Here are my thoughts after viewing the broadcast...

  • Rick Warren is THE man. Say what you want to but the man is just incredible. He is a man of great talent and influence and handles his platform well. Thank God for his leadership, character and for being a great role model to leaders in the modern church today.
  • Obama has great charisma and is a great orator but he did not shine in this forum in my opinion. Obama seemed to take a moment to consider each question and provide a thoughtful response but wasn't as clear or as direct as I feel he needs to be at this point in the game. McCain; however, was ready, poised and delivered a clear, confident answer and literally captivated the audience. There was a clear contrast here.
  • Obama clearly dispelled the rumor that he is a muslim. He stated that he puts his faith in Jesus Christ.
  • If I ever run for president remind me never to accept an invitation to a civil forum on the presidency with Rick Warren. Dang... he asked the hard questions didn't he?!
  • I am still undecided as to who I will vote for in this election; however, based on this forum John McCain may have secured my vote. He was what I needed him to be - strong, confident, clear, thoughtful, deep, articulate, witty and honest.
  • I was hoping the candidates would hint at a running mate, although I did not expect them to... nor did I expect Rick Warren to ask them. [I wish they would pick one already! I have my fingers still crossed (and I know its a long-shot) that McCain chooses Huckabee. That would definitely secure my vote. THERE, I said it.]

    Click here for video footage from the forum.

    Tonight Rick Warren is scheduled to appear on Larry King Live (CNN) to discuss his thoughts on the forum and what happened behind the scenes.

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  • 3 Responses to “Saddleback Civil Forum”

    1. # Blogger Josh Treece

      I was at this too...  

    2. # Blogger Terrace Crawford

      I hate you. JK. I'm excited about all your cool opps, Josh. You're in a prime spot.  

    3. # Blogger Tim Liu

      Terrace, have you heard Obama's speech at the Call to Renewal conference? It's long but a great read, I think it really tells a lot about who he is. Not saying that has won my vote, but really impressed me with his thoughtfulness and well balanced perspective on faith and government.  

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