10 Trends That Will Reshape Youth Ministry

There was more talk this week online about the future of Youth Ministry. I really liked Jim Candy's post on 10 Trends that will Reshape Youth Ministry. I'll list a few of his points here, and you can go [here] for the rest.

3. Sunday morning programs will become history
Congregations will become increasingly dissatisfied with the separation between adults and its young people at their weekend services. Worship services will change to accommodate younger people and those congregations that do not, will continue to disappear.

4. Same sex conversations will reach a fever pitch
Homosexuality, and the church's view on that topic, will be a lightning rod for middle and high school kids in considering faith in Jesus. Youth Ministries will increasingly need to lovingly converse with kids and the broader culture about its viewpoint - whatever it may be.

5. Professional youth ministry positions will become more rare
Churches will increasingly after structures so that entire congregations and caring for young people and will rely less on paid staff than in previous decades. This will also be financially driven as more congregations will be forced to have a leaner staff.

6. Youth workers will be older
The stereotype of the youth worker as someone in their early 20s who views youth work as a stepping stone to another pastoral position will continue to fade away.

You may also be interested in one of my prior posts: 5 Glimpses into the Future of Youth Ministry.

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How Teenagers Are Using Technology

A recent study released by Ericsson revealed that teenagers would rather talk than text. Here are some other highlights from the report that you can download [here]:
  • Video chat is growing
  • 53% say their phone calls last less than 4 minutes
  • More than a third say they use video chat for homework
  • Average number of Facebook friends is 265
  • ooVoo is an emerging social tool

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Behind the Scenes: My Last 3 Days

I love "Behind the Scenes" stuff. If you want my attention just do a blog post, a TV-Show, a magazine article, etc... and I will be hooked! I've asked a few other people to do Behind the Scenes posts on their blogs, but I haven't ever done one myself so here's a look at my last 3 days of my life.
(Editor's Note: this isn't a 'normal' week... but it's a quick look at my week nonetheless))


(7:00 AM) - Shower, Getting ready for the day, Reading, Packing Car (for travel to SC)
(9:00 AM) - Quick breakfast
(9:30 AM) - Travel to South Carolina (for memorial service - my aunt passed away)
(5:00 PM) - Early Dinner with extended family
(6:00 PM) - Wake
(3:30 PM) - Arrival in South Carolina
(7:00 PM) - Memorial Service
(8:00 PM) - Visiting with extended family
(9:00 PM) - Travel to Parent's home
(10:00 PM) - Fell asleep in recliner... long day!
(11:00 PM) - Woke up and worked on ChurchLeaders.com weekly Youth Leader's Newsletter
(12:00 AM) - Finalizing message for this weekend's service
(2:00 AM) - Sleepy time


(8:00 AM) - Shower, Getting ready for the day, Reading, Packing Car (for travel to VA)
(10:00 AM) - On the road again!
(12:30 PM) - Lunch
(3:30 PM) - Arrival in Virginia
(4:00 PM) - Light house cleaning (final preparations for small group)
(5:00 PM) - Meeting with my Intern; working on direct mail piece
(7:00 PM) - Hosting guy's small group at my home
(9:00 PM) - Catching up on emails, etc; Working on ChurchLeaders.com; polishing future talk
(11:30 PM) - Sleepy time


(7:00 AM) - Shower, Getting ready for the day, Reading
(8:00 AM) - Running errands
(9:00 AM) - Travel to Richmond, VA for Innovative Church Network meeting
(10:00 AM) - Hearing Mark Batterson speak
(12:30 PM) - Met Mark Batterson; Lunch
(1:00 PM) - Hearing Mark Batterson speak
(3:00 PM) - Travel home
(4:30 PM) - Checking emails, returning phone calls; working on couple of projects
(5:00 PM) - 1 on 1 Coaching with Youth Worker in CO; quick bite to eat
(6:00 PM) - Shower and getting ready for next meeting
(6:30 PM) - Travel to Norfolk, VA; phone call with family on road
(7:00 PM) - Meeting with Chancellor of Columbia International University
(8:30 PM) - Travel home
(9:00 PM) - Working on side project for consulting group
(9:30 PM) - Composing this blog post (hope you like =)
(10:0o PM) - Texting friends
(11:00 PM) - Sleepy time

If you decide to do a Behind the Scenes post on your blog make sure you comment here with a link! I'll read it... and point people to your blog through my twitter (@terracecrawford)!

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Youth Ministers Meme

FREE Valentine's Lesson from @YM360

My friends at youthministry360 are giving away a FREE downloadable Valentine's Lesson to church leaders. It's a message the finding and living the real, amazing love that God has for us. You'll receive a handy Leader's guide that will show you how you can use the story of Ruth and Boaz to talk about the God-centered love that we read about in the scriptures. What a great message to share with students, who are bombarded with the broken image of love from the world!

If you want to download this freebie, just [click here].

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