"Goals" for 2008

I developed a list of "resolutions" to share with you at years-end but I ran across Perry Noble's blog and his most recent post provoked me to change my "resolutions" to "goals." So, here they are in random order:

#1 - To seriously discern God’s direction for my life and the ministries I serve.
This will take me intentionally carving out more time in my schedule to spend in solitude, purposefully being quiet so that I may better hear His voice.

#2 - To meet the woman of my dreams! (Holla!)
I'd say this is a repeat too but it hasn't been on my list. Its not that I haven't desired a relationship with someone but it just hasn't been a priority for me. This upcoming year, I'd like to spend more time in prayer for the "one" (insert angelic music here) that God has for me, cooperate with the spirit's leading and take steps where I should to make this happen. I have a sense 2008 will be a most-excellent year in this respect.

#3 - Lose 50 lbs.
Comin in at number 3 we have a very personal goal. Yes, its a repeat from last year... no drum roll needed... here it is folks...losing weight! I really hope to lose more, even dropping to the median weight for my height and age BUT I wanted to be smart in my goal setting!

#4 - Read more!
I LOVE to read but it often gets put on the back burner when I have other things to do. I read a TON on blogs and listen to a TON of podcasts, which is very good, but I don't want it to replace a good book in my hands!

#5 - To do at least 20 new things I’ve never done before.
I want to experience more of life. I'm hoping this year I will be able to eliminate some of the "more adventurous" things on the "before I kick the bucket" list. Yes, marriage would be one of them.

#6 - Make it onto a Rick Warren's blogroll.
Just kidding! Although I'm honored when I'm added to any blog roll, my goal for number six is to drop letters, hints, emails, harrassment messages and whatever else is needed to several men that I would LOVE to see blog! I may tell you "who" they are later but several of them are well-known leaders while the others are men who have made personal impacts in my life. Reading their thoughts daily would be MOST incredible.

#7 - Watch "American Idol" faithfully this upcoming season.
For the last two seasons, even though I'm a fan, I've Tivo'd most episodes and (truth-be-told) have not been on track come time for the finale. There are other shows I want to more faithfully follow but AI seems to be the area that needs most improvement.

#8 - Be more financially stable.
This area needs some improvement, for sure. I'd like to be more financially stable this upcoming year, not for personal gain (although a little nest egg would be nice), so that I might be able to give more to missions and help many more people in need.

#9 - Be more encouraging.
Somehow I think over the last two years I've stunk in this area. I want to 'step up my game' in this area and do more to encourage people in their lives. Show some love!

#10 - REST.
Gimme a break. If I do all 9 things above I'll need a break! LoL. I could seriously stand to create more times of re-creation and solitude to refresh myself. My mentors would be very proud of me for this one.

So what goals do you have planned? Feel free to leave your list or URL (where the list can be found) in the comments, or just email me.

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1 Responses to “"Goals" for 2008”

  1. # Blogger Judy Gregory

    Thanks for the shout out. I love your "goals." I love your banner too ... at some point I'm going to have to figure out how to create a cool one too. Anyway, just stopped by to say hi. Peace.

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