Daily Detox

I admit... I've been a bit of a "pack rat" for years.
That has since changed.

Over the past two years I have really done well, I think, at disposing of things that I just don't need. It has been hard at times but c'mon... why should I hang on to my grade-school letter jacket?

One of my friends says that she has a personal rule. If she doesn't use something within a year's time she disposes of it. I think that is a pretty good rule. She definitely lives less cluttered.

I've noticed a couple of things about clutter in my own life...
  • When my home gets cluttered its a sign that my life is out of alignment. For me the clutter is sometimes a physical sign that I'm a little out of sorts spiritually too. I believe the physical is quite often parallel to the spiritual. It means I need to spend time with God... realign myself... and then work on the clutter.
  • When my home gets cluttered so does my office.

    I've been somewhat fascinated by the show Clean Sweep with Peter Walsh. Peter goes into homes and rescues people from their stuff. He digs deep and helps the person find that its really not about the "stuff" at all. Its what is behind the clutter. Walsh said...
    "Our show was never about the stuff. I told the producers early on that you can only organize so many closets and garages before people lose their minds… We all have stuff. What we had to do was tell people’s stories through their stuff, and see them realizing what their relationship to the stuff had become."
    I've been into some homes to visit someone where the "stuff" is so overwhelming. There is no place to sit down. Sometimes there is barely a path to walk through. Its sometimes sad to me because I know that most often its a physical sign that the person's life is out of sorts too. I'm not saying that they have a spiritual problem but there is something behind all the stuff for sure.

    I haven't mastered overcoming clutter at all. However, I believe there to be a correlation between me and my stuff and when I recognize that my home (and sometimes office) is becoming cluttered I realize that I am out of alignment and its time to take action and wage war on the clutter!

    Can you relate? Do you agree that their is a correlation between the physical and the spiritual? Do you have clutter in your home or office? Do you have a personal rule about "stuff" or clutter? Have you waged the war on clutter? Is there a relationship between you and your "stuff?"

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  • 6 Responses to “Daily Detox”

    1. # Anonymous Anonymous

      I think you're right. Office is a biggie. I've gotten much better. For those who organization doesn't come easy, we may not have things prestine, but not a mess either. I think is increases people's respect level.  

    2. # Anonymous Anonymous


      clutter kills. I am ANTI clutter. I wrote a blog last week on clutter. weird huh?


      It will post later this week I think.


    3. # Blogger Jason Curlee

      I have been told over the years that clutter is a negative spiritual symptom.

      I honestly think it is a personality thing. Some people are just not geared that way.  

    4. # Blogger Terrace Crawford

      @ Shane - Yea, the office is a biggie. People can actually SEE how messed up you are! I agree with your statement.
      @ Zak - Yes, it has killed me over the years. Fortunately I have more lives. I'm glad I'm on the other side of it. I'm so much neater (and nearly clutter-free) than I use to be. I can't wait to read your post.
      @ Jason - I'd agree to some extent that cleanliness and organization is to some degree a personality thing but I think there is a line here. Did you see the guy's office in the pic? You've gotta admit... that is out of control.  

    5. # Blogger Miss Mandy

      I use flylady.net to help with clutter. I've learned to open mail / packages next to the trash can. I also take 15 minutes each day to declutter a specific spot in my house. It could be the phone table, or the top of the desk. It didn't get cluttered in one day, it may not get cleaned in one day. Baby steps.  

    6. # Blogger Terrace Crawford

      @ MCC - Good rule. Yea, I'm familiar with FlyLady. I recall the radio station I use to work for doing an interview with head of that company.  

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