With last night's elimination of Syesha Mercado, we'll go in to the American Idol finale with who most people agree were the two most talented contestants this season.
My pick to win is David Cook although young Archuleta may take the win because of the raging teenage population.
(Graphic: Josh Treece)
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I'm all about David cook. David A seems so sad. I love having TiVo so I van zip through his performance
@ MCC - Yea, TiVo came in handy for me too. I blew right past Syesha's performance.
I say; "may the best hair win" - Cook all the way baby!
Seems to me, Patio, that blowing right through a performance would somewhat skew perception of results! I mean, sure, if you've already made up your mind, but if this is TRULY a "talent" competition, you can't deny the vast improvement of miss Syesha over the last several weeks. Girlfriend has stepped up!
(I'm still for David C., though.) Consistently amazing! David A is amazig too, in a different genre, but we've got to give the guy a chance to grow into interview skills.
@ Jim - you made me LoL on that one.
@ Radiogal - Sorry... while I agree she has improved I was ready for her to go...and what I didn't mention (in the post) is that I'm also over "Ain't no Stoppin us Now." They should NEVER use that song again. Glad to hear you are for David Cook. While I have great respect and admiration for Archuleta... he isn't quite ready. Let's face it, they will all get record deals - including miss Syesha.