It doesn't seem right...

It doesn't seem right for me to be praying for the good of my stock portfolio when little Johnny on the other side of the world won't have anything to eat for dinner tonight.

Lord help us to care. Help us not forget that even though our economy has taken a plunge we still live in the richest nation there is.

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3 Responses to “It doesn't seem right...”

  1. # Blogger Mike

    Amen. Why is it that those that have the most think about giving the least.  

  2. # Blogger James Moffitt

    The bible says that the love of money is the root of all evil. We do not have time to think about giving to others because we are way too busy idolizing those things that we love and the services that we think we have to have. All of this stuff causes us to spend more time worshipping it through our jobs vs living with less and sharing with others. Ouch. That hurts , doesnt it?  

  3. # Blogger Nic Burleson


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