Daily Detox

What is YOUR song?
Maybe its your favorite song, but I'm not talking about a song you like. I'm talking about a song you CONNECT with. It may be a song that describes the feelings you have. It may resonate with you in a way you cannot describe. It is your life song. Your theme song. If there was a movie made about your life, this song would definitely be in it. So what song is it?

My song would probably be "I'll Give" by The Small Town Poets.
There is something about this song that resonates with me. I never tire of this song and I've listened to it for years. The lyrics are great and I like the music.

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5 Responses to “Daily Detox”

  1. # Blogger Jason Curlee

    for me this past six to eight months it's been "If Everyone Cared" by Nickelback

    For my life song I'm not totally sure but it really makes me think and I'll get back to you on it.  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    "I Need You", the Swift. Speaks of brokeness and the inability to handle any of life without the presence of God.

    Feelin' it now, as a matter of fact.  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    By the way, Patio..."the lyrics are great and I like the music."??

    You left me hanging after a great attention grabber! I want to know WHAT makes it resonate. Is there a lyric that strikes you everytime you hear it?

    Tell me, tell me!  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    "changed" by aaron niequist...
    2 summers ago, i'd listen to that song every morning when i got up to remember why i'm here.  

  5. # Blogger Terrace Crawford

    @ Jason - GREAT song. I likey!
    @ Radiogal - Judes, I LOVE that song! Its awesome. Man, might be time to break it out!
    @ Radiogal - Sorry to leave you hanging. I'm not really sure WHY I love the song so much... I mean, for YEARS its meant something to me. Thats why I said "there is something about this song..." It's something that I cannot really capture in words.

    Check these lyrics:
    "...yesterday I lived for me
    and I was so alone as I could be
    then I saw You and how You give Yourself away and I want to live for You today

    I'll give; I'll hold nothing
    I'll give; I'll hold nothing
    I'll give and I'll hold nothing back

    my love is a lot like me
    wanting nothing less than everything

    but I know You're the only love that's true and only giving makes me close to You

    I'll give; I'll hold nothing
    I'll give; I'll hold nothing
    I'll give and I'll hold nothing back

    my hands are open, so take what You see and I'll keep nothing, hold nothing back from me"

    As far as the 'lyric' that strikes me most... The first verse is what gets me. Good stuff.
    @ Steve - Another great song.  

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