I Became a Church Planter (1 of 2)

The following is 1 of 2 interviews I recently did with two pastors who are embarking on a new journey -- planting churches. I asked both of them a few questions about their story in each of these interviews.
Zak White currently serves on staff at The Connection Church in Kyle, TX as Executive Pastor. He won't be there much longer because he is stepping out to plant a church. This is part of his story.
Me: Tell us where you are serving and what you are currently doing?
Zak: I currently serve on staff at
The Connection Church as Executive Pastor. I'll be on staff for one more week and then we are officially on the field. Right now I am training our creative teams at TCC to continue our creative work when I leave.
Me: Church planting is what some would call "risky business." What was the 'tipping point' for you to take the plunge into starting a new church?
Zak: After months of wrestling through this decision I was about ready to throw in the towel. Then I heard Bil Cornelius speak at a small church planters retreat about prayer and the absence of it in the lives of pastors. At the time, my prayer life was pathetic at best and i felt extremely convicted. When I returned home I woke up an hour early everyday for three weeks and prayed asking God to clearly tell me what to do. Long story short, God answered my prayers in an amazing way. My prayer life now consists of several hours per week, so God also used the process to change my life.

Me: What do you think you'll miss most about your current role\ministry?
Zak: Our lead pastor, Cole Phillips, family pastor, Nic Burleson, and the Austin area.

Me: Tell us about the new church you are creating? What will it be like?
Zak: We are all about loving God, loving people and starting a spiritual revolution in one life at a time. That is what defines us. If it doesn't make Jesus famous then we aren't doing it. We might look a little like The Connection Church in terms of some of our strategy because that's where I learned all I know about church planting.

Before even choosing a name I felt God saying that I needed to gather a HUGE prayer team first. Within a week we launched The Prayer Team. Then, to choose a church name, we are utilizing our second website, Name This Church.com. (Editor's note: I cannot believe both of these domains were available. Amazing.) I think those sites and the strategies behind them make us unique. Check them out and share with us please!

Me: So when do you launch?
Zak: Feb 14th 2010. I know...its Valentines Day. LOVE LOVE LOVE.

Me: What does the road look like prior to your launch?
Zak: Our strategy on paper is about 20 pages, so I will give it to you SHORT: Lots of block parties (we have a huge custom BBQ pit being built on a trailer which I call "Grill-Zilla") lots of ministry and lots of meeting people in any way we possibly can.

Me: What's the most valuable thing you've learned so far in this particular leg of your journey?
Zak: I have learned that as a planter you need a seriously committed prayer team, a slamming group of partner churches and a Kingdom mindset. I also believe that you need to know your strengths and work to them.

Me: How can we support you in this new endeavor?
Zak: Sign up for our prayer team. Updates are sent out on the 8th, 18th, and 28th of each month.
Me: Anything else you'd like to say?
Zak: Terrace Crawford shall be on staff with me one day. ;)

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2 Responses to “I Became a Church Planter (1 of 2)”

  1. # Blogger GregAtkinson.com

    Thanks for sharing his story.  

  2. # Anonymous Stephen Bateman

    Dude I love church planters, my dad stepped out three years ago, and it's tough stuff..

    Thanks for the interview.  

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