Does GOD Really Have My Back?

I asked myself this question today. Sorry, I'm human. I have faith... but occasionally have doubts too. So tonight I found myself doubting... and finding it hard to trust that God really will provide and that He really will direct my next steps.
I confessed my feelings via twitter and facebook.
... and then, I turned to the scriptures and this was the first verse I read:

I never knew that when I wrote this post it would strike such a chord with folks. I began getting inundated with emails and tweets from leaders all over the country who are losing their jobs or facing pay cuts. It is for YOU that I write these honest thoughts... this encouragement for the journey... because you, like me, may be faced with the same question - or the same doubt - does HE have my back? YES HE DOES.


3 Responses to “Does GOD Really Have My Back?”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    gonna be completely honest with ya. This hits me completely different. i have great job security and stability. But I am so frustrated I wonder why God put me here. i question the purpose and the effectiveness. It weighs on me heavily. But you are right on the money.  

  2. # Blogger Terrace Crawford

    @PBW - thanks for your honesty here. Either way, as the verse says, He's faithful. I will pray that God will use you where you are and will speak his purpose to you.


  3. # Anonymous Melissa

    I think this posting is refreshing in its honesty. I think very often as believers we come face-to-face with doubt more often than we would like to admit. In these moments I think we face a very important choice, do we turn to God in those times, or do we turn to ourselves and resolve our problems on our own? I do not think it is entirely wrong to have doubt enter our minds, but it is our response that determines the situation. The reason I say this is because God specifically included scriptures like this one mentioned above for reassurance in Him. God knows us and knows what we will think. So, let us turn to Him in this crutial time in faith.  

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