Manic Monday Minute is a serious mind-dump that will probably take you one minute to read. Here are some thoughts going through my head right now...
Wow, just realizing that I haven't blogged much this week.
It's such a busy time.
There are SO many birthdays this week!
Two of my closest friends, Phil and Dave, have birthdays this week.
Not to mention MINE on Saturday. Eeek! The big 3 - 0. I'm still not thrilled.
I normally do countdowns. Decided not to this year.
We had a memorial service for my friend, Carolyn, today. She died
last Tuesday after a long battle with cancer.
I'm posting a tribute in her honor. I'm going to miss you, Carolyn.
She was a huge supporter of youth ministry.
We need more people like her.
I wish my Christmas tree was up already.
I'm having issues with it. It's really funny.
I am certain that I don't have the spiritual gift of assembling Christmas trees.
Live trees are so much better.
Christmas is too commerical anyway.
It should be more about compassion and less about consumption.
I'm working on a new series called "Holyday" about that.
I'm excited about a couple of new blogs comin... as well as some fun elements I plan to add. Keep reading!
last Tuesday after a long battle with cancer.
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