Manic Monday Minute is a serious mind-dump that will probably take you one minute to read. Here are some thoughts going through my head right now...
This is the Manic Monday Minute Whew! Today was a blur. We had a great service on Sunday. Pastor Chuck spoke on depression. We also had communion. I took communion twice on Sunday. I'm not sure if thats even allowed but I did it. Do you have any book recommends for me? If so, leave them [here.] Read my bio on a conference website where I'll be speaking later this year. It says I have "the gift of twittering and blogging." I didn't write that. Ha. Is that like a spiritual gift? Our team from Russia returned home last night. I can't wait to hear about their trip. So glad my car is up and running. The car probs from last week really drained me. I was sidelined on the shoulder of the freeway at least 3 times. Cannot wait till Easter! I'm stoked about our Easter plans. Our youth ministry is on twitter now. Ordered a new man-bag. My old one is worn. Can't wait till it comes in. Had a great service on Sunday evening for students. Our youth ministry band did a great job leading. I was on the way home from church last night and saw a light flash overhead. I thought it was a plane flying over and didn't think anything about it until today... The media reported that numerous calls came through 911 dispatch last night about it - describing the light as a UFO, explosions, etc. FOX News is even reporting the story. Looks like it may have been a rocket (or junk from a rocket). Moving into my new place this week. By the way, my new place... is directly across the street from the YMCA. If this doesn't motivate me to workout nothing probably will. Can we say convenient? Can't wait for American Idol tomorrow night. I'm so hooked this season. I cannot believe Scott is still in this competition. No offense, but he has to be getting pity votes. My car is in serious need of a wash. My redneck neighbor took his truck mud-bogging (I'm not even sure if that is the correct term...), so his actually needs one worse than mine does. I told him so today. I actually have no clue where he would find a place to do this. We live in the city. Here is a great, free newsletter provider. Weather was beautiful today. LONG day tomorrow. Peace.
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