(LoL) with Kem Meyer

Life on Life is a feature where I interview leaders from around the country who are doing this thing called LIFE. In this interview my friend, Kem Meyer, Communications Director at Granger Community Church in Granger, IN shares her life with us.
Me: Where do you turn for inspiration (besides Christ Jesus of course)?
Kem: I get inspiration from places and people that help me renew my perspective. Seeing or experiencing something from another point of view has profound impact. Every time I get outside of my own version of the world, my eyes and heart are opened to learn something new—especially when it’s uncomfortable. Seeking new ways to see through the eyes of others keeps me in a healthy state of wonder and curiosity. The alternative is this stuck, comfortable place where I believe the lie I have it all figured out.
For the record…been there. Tried that. It doesn’t work. :)
Me: What do you like most about working on staff at Granger? Kem: Mark Beeson said this in a strategy meeting a couple of months ago, "It is difficult to maximize the gifts of abnormal people. Leaders are abnormal." You know, he's right. Leaders are not normal. They are the strong, the rebels, the skeptical, the intelligent, the independent and the positive deviants. Try to control these people, and you'll never be able to rally their potential.
Try to normalize these people, and you'll never be able to sustain their positive impact. There are few environments that can handle them. 
What do I like most about working on staff at Granger? Being in an environment that can not only handle them, but one that actually is committed to raising them.

  • It's not the gifted that have changed my life, although they do impress me.
  • It's not the faithful who altered my course, although they do inspire me.
  • It's not the communicators who keep me focused, although at times they may cause me to think.

    It's the leaders around me to who I, quite literally, owe my life. They grow what's best in me, channel my energy and give me hope in the things that would be easy to quit. The pull me out of status quo and a life of mediocrity. I know this isn’t a short answer to that question, but you knew there had to be something deep and profound there to keep me in Granger, Indiana. Am I right?

    Me: Greatest lesson learned?

    Kem: A + B does not guarantee a result of C. But, in spite of the result, I’m still responsible for my input.

    Allow me to elaborate. A and B might be my part of the equation (my influence & input) but there’s more to the equation than me. My actions can’t be dependent on a guaranteed result—they need to exist in spite of the result. There are other influences/input (C+D+E, etc.) that might yield a result of ‘F’. My greatest lesson learned? Live in the tension—it’s not “all or nothing.” When act like it’s “all or nothing” I assume full credit for the wins and full blame for the losses. Both are dead wrong. I’m a stakeholder. I’m not God.

    Me: You are all about Less Clutter & Less Noise. What has been the biggest help in creating less clutter and less noise in your life?

    Kem: Caller ID.

    Me: Congrats on your new book! Who is this book written for and why should people read Less Clutter & Less Noise? Kem: While I believe the local church is the hope of the world, I don’t believe in huddling inside the church walls. This book is for businesses, schools, not-for-profits or any organization struggling to find ways to get the word out and, simply, do better.

    Me: What is something that most people don't know about you?

    Kem: That I'm not a people person. I really have to work at it.

    Me: You are a blogger...What have you learned through blogging? What do you enjoy most about it?

    Kem: Let me count the ways: Adds value to others. Develops sense of community in spite of pace, location and different schedules. Bonding. Helps give a voice to introverts. Information is posted once, used over and over. Records what’s happening. Puts a face & personality on the ministry. Removes the sterile, corporate voice. Forces me (and others) to organize thoughts and follow-through. Public reminder that people are watching--I’m accountable. Facilitates connectedness and expressiveness. Provides direct access leaders & ministry experts. Immediate access to training, tutorials, experts, best practices. Micro-leads to macro information. Instant focus groups. Contributions to community development with peers. It’s a way to give back & share insights. Reduces “corporate” time creating content. Increases “individual” connectedness to the content that already exists.

    Me: As the communication guru for Granger could you offer a few of the greatest resource finds\tips for churches?

    Kem: Visit me here or here. Read this, this, this, this and this. Go here, here or here.

    Me: Hobbies?

    Kem: Food, gadgets, movies.

    Me: Is there any help for me Kem? Click here.

    Kem: Get me a paper bag. I’m hyper-ventilating.

    Follow Kem's blog at  www.kemmeyer.com

    Check out the book at www.lessclutterlessnoise.com

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