5 Ways to Brew Creative Juices

I'll never forget one of my good friends saying "creativity is not giving credit to the one who created it." Pretty funny... but so true. I've heard leaders who are upheld in the Christian community as "the most innovative yadda yadda yadda" say that they aren't really all that innovative. My hunch is that they also know this is true, because many of them borrow ideas from other people too. I get my creative juices flowing best when I gather with other creative minds. In fact, I have organized a creative meeting today to do just that.

Here are 5 things I do to brew the creative juices:
  • I pray. Nothing super-spiritual about my prayer, but [here] is the prayer I pray "God, grant me creativity."

  • I meet with a network of leaders in my area. This is typically a monthly meet-up but it is very beneficial to me. There is nothing like gathering around people in your field to share ideas with each other. If you aren't plugged into a network, do your best to find one. If you are in youth ministry, you might check with the National Network of Youth Ministries to see what networks might be meeting in your area.

  • I read blogs. I have a number of blogs that I read daily. I read blogs authored by youth workers, lead pastors, church planters and artists, among others. Currently I read about 2o people.

  • I sign up on mailing lists. I'm subscribed to a number of church mailing lists around the country. Yes, maybe even yours. I don't read through the emails too carefully (who has the time?) but glance over the headlines and graphics to see what grabs my attention. Occasionally I find an idea that I like and may visit the church or ministry website for further information.

  • I watch the culture. I think you might agree with me that the culture is leading the church today. We need to change this but that is for another sermon and another blog post. You can learn a lot by reading magazines, listening to music and watching movies or television. The media moguls of our time spend a lot of money researching the culture so why not pay close attention to it? Sometimes I get ideas simply from watching the culture.

Sometimes you just have to take an idea and tweak it. Set the idea in a new direction. Put the idea through the gauntlet of taste... and wha-la, a new package for all to unwrap.

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2 Responses to “5 Ways to Brew Creative Juices”

  1. # Blogger Brad Ruggles

    Those are some great suggestions Terrace. Getting out there, networking and reading what other Christian leaders are doing are some fantastic ways to brew up some "Venti" creative juices ;-)  

  2. # Blogger Terrace Crawford

    Ladies & Gents, Mr. Brad Ruggles oozes creativity. Seriously, it says that on his business card too! =) Check his stuff out at www.bradruggles.com


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