Tell Me What You Do in 140 Characters or Less.
10 Comments Published by Terrace Crawford on 10/2/09 at 7:59 AM.
By my own admission I'm an extravert off-the-charts and claim to know everybody. The reality is that I don't know everybody - but would love to. In fact, I am meeting new people all the time. Just yesterday I met a new youth pastor to the area after he found me on twitter and asked if we could meet up for lunch. Of course, I accepted the invite and thoroughly enjoyed our time together. We plan to meet again soon. I had a great time hearing his story and finding out more about his current role where he serves. While distance may keep you and I from meeting up for lunch sometime, I'd love to hear what your current role is too.
Can you tell me what you do in 140 characters or less? I'll get things started with my own tweet-like response:
@terracecrawford: I am a minister and mentor to students and provide oversight to the marketing and missional ministries of Crossroads.
Can you tell me what you do in 140 characters or less? I'll get things started with my own tweet-like response:
@terracecrawford: I am a minister and mentor to students and provide oversight to the marketing and missional ministries of Crossroads.
Labels: Church, Leadership, Personal, Youth Pastors
I am the creative media director @realitychurch. Blog @
I'm the pastor to students, worship leader, and creative arts guru at Destiny Foursquare Church in Rapid City, SD.
I pastor the ClayHouse Baptist Church in Melbourne, FL
I'm not staff, but I work closely with lead pastor and do whatever it takes to make our vision a reality. My new blog says it best.
Youth worker for 2 congregations, one in NY and one in PA.
Church planter partner with Journey Church, Lakeland, FL
Former atheist, adult-convert Christian, first time author (May, 2010), wife, mom, college professor and blogger.
@llbarkat I do Twitter poetry; I do dark chocolate; I do writing books that make people laugh, get mad or cry; I do Managing Editor at a Top-100 Christian blog network; I do Rooibos tea and banana bread with chocolate chips (as we speak).
I do other things too, but I think I ran out of characters a few do's ago.
@robshep: I lead adults to invest in Students, I lead adults to invest in other adults in small groups, and I'm a part of our Sunday programming team.
I work to raise my sons and be a great spouse. I resource church leaders, do workshops and offer training for those in or considering ministry.